
Creating a high performance organisation

Nov 19, 2019


By Lyndsey Hall

We are living in uncertain times. The highest performing businesses will, by their very nature, ride out the storm more effectively than their competitors. So how do you create a high performance organisation?

Building a high performance team.

A truly high performance business will deliver higher levels of productivity, customer satisfaction, sales and will have increased employee retention. The backbone of a high performing business is a resilient workforce. You need to build a team that is highly motivated, high performing and consists of people who look forward to coming to work every day because they feel they are a part of the company and the bigger picture.

Creating a high performance culture.

In addition to hiring the right people, you need to create a culture that allows your team to perform at a high level. It all starts with communication. You need to communicate the vision, strategy, values and beliefs of your business in order to create a shared purpose. They need to buy into your vision for the company so that they feel invested in its future success.

Empowering your team to succeed.

Next, you need to empower your people. Set their high level objectives and communicate these to each member of your team. Explain how each objective contributes to the overall success of the business. Now step back and give your people the space to get on with working towards those objectives.

Be present and available for when they need to escalate issues. Set regular team meetings but never micro-manage. It is also important to create appropriate reward strategies so that your high performing people feel rewarded for their commitment, and remain motivated.

Remember, perfection is not attainable, not even in the very highest performing organisations. However, if you aim for perfection, you might just end up a notch below that, which is where a high performance business should be.


Do you have any advice for creating a high performance business, or building a team of high performance individuals? We’d love to hear from you, leave a comment below or join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter.


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