
Government announces pay rise for public sector workers

Jul 26, 2018


By Kate Brown

Pay rises have been announced for one million people working in the public sector. According to government figures, the armed forces will see a 2.9% pay rise, teachers will see a 3.5% pay rise, and prison officers will see a 2.7% pay rise. In addition, doctors and dentists will see their pay rises between 2% and 3.5%.

The latest pay rises are following campaigns by unions fighting for higher wage rises. It also confirms the scrapping of the 1% pay cap last year. The changes are made with the aim to boost staff recruitment and retention as well as increase morale within the public sector.

The government reported that the pay increases were within its spending plan and very much affordable. However with not all money not coming straight from the treasury, some individual departments are having to independently fund the pay rises.


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